Paris: Arc de Triomphe Rooftop Tickets

USD 18



Make your way to the iconic Arc de Triomphe, situated at the vibrant Place de l'Étoile. From this majestic monument, stroll up the iconic Champs-Élysées, the City of Love's most famous avenue. As you reach the summit, be prepared to be dazzled by the stunning vistas of Paris, spread out before your eyes like a canvas of romance and beauty.

The Arc de Triomphe stands tall as a magnificent tribute to the grandeur of ancient Rome, reimagined in Neoclassical style. At an impressive 50 meters high, the panoramic view from the top platform is a reward worth earning - after climbing the 284 stairs, of course! From this privileged vantage point, take in the stunning vista of Paris unfolding before you, with twelve majestic avenues radiating from the arch like the spokes of a wheel. Right at the heart of the City of Light, you'll feel the pulse of one of the world's most captivating cities. Inspired by the ancient Roman arches that once celebrated imperial power, Napoleon commissioned the Arc de Triomphe after his triumphant victory at Austerlitz. Though he never lived to see its completion, his vision has become an enduring symbol of French heritage. At the base of the arch, the poignant Tomb of the Unknown Soldier honors the 1.3 million French soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice in World War I. Be sure to witness the evening ritual of the eternal flame's relighting at 6:30 PM. Additionally, an insightful exhibition reveals the profound symbolism behind this iconic monument.